High Blood Pressure Relief
Chiropractic Care for High Blood Pressure Management
High blood pressure, medically known as hypertension, affects a staggering one-third of the adult population in the United States, totaling around 70 million Americans. Furthermore, 1 in 3 Americans grapples with prehypertension, a condition characterized by higher-than-normal blood pressure levels. What's even more concerning is that 1 in 5 adults with high blood pressure remains unaware of their condition since hypertension typically manifests without any discernible symptoms.
The silver lining lies in chiropractic care, offering a drug-free avenue for addressing high blood pressure. Delve into the details below to explore this promising approach.
Demystifying Blood Pressure and Hypertension
Every heartbeat propels blood through the body's arteries, exerting force against their walls—a phenomenon we quantify as blood pressure. A blood pressure reading comprises two numerical components: systolic, the top number that measures arterial pressure during heartbeats, and diastolic, the bottom number representing arterial pressure between heartbeats.
Normal blood pressure levels stand at 120/80 and below, while prehypertension is characterized by readings in the range of 120-139/80-89. Hypertension is further categorized into stage 1 (140-159/90-99), stage 2 (160/100 or higher), and a hypertension crisis (requiring emergency care) at 180/110 or above.
The Perils of Hypertension
High blood pressure poses a more significant and lethal threat than many realize. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that in 2013, high blood pressure was the primary or contributing cause of over 360,000 American fatalities—equating to nearly 1,000 deaths daily.
The CDC also underscores the profound risks associated with hypertension:
First heart attack: 70 percent of adults experiencing their initial heart attack have high blood pressure.
First stroke: 80 percent of first-time stroke victims have high blood pressure.
Chronic heart failure: 70 percent of adults grappling with chronic heart failure also contend with high blood pressure.
Kidney failure: High blood pressure stands as the second leading cause of kidney failure.
Approaches to High Blood Pressure Management
Thankfully, high blood pressure is both diagnosable and amenable to various treatment avenues. Physicians commonly prescribe medication to control hypertension, yet natural, non-pharmaceutical methods frequently prove effective in reducing blood pressure levels. Lifestyle modifications play a pivotal role in blood pressure management, encompassing weight loss, regular exercise, balanced nutrition, sodium reduction, alcohol moderation, smoking cessation, caffeine moderation, and stress mitigation—all contributing positively to optimal blood pressure.
Chiropractic Adjustments and Blood Pressure Reduction
In March 2007, the Journal of Human Hypertension published a study that showcased a noteworthy decline in blood pressure subsequent to a chiropractic adjustment focusing on the Atlas vertebra, located at the base of the skull. This research encompassed 50 individuals diagnosed with high blood pressure, revealing sustained improvements in blood pressure levels for up to eight weeks following the adjustment. The potential for prolonged improvement extends beyond the assessment period, as the study solely evaluated patients immediately post-adjustment and at an eight-week follow-up visit.
Can Chiropractic Care Benefit You?
Initiate a transformative journey towards managing high blood pressure through chiropractic care. Contact our dedicated team today to arrange your confidential consultation.
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